Bar Lane Stapleford old photos
Old Bar Lane, Stapleford photos include;

Village pump at the junction of Bar lane and Bury Road, Stapleford.
"The village pump at Stapleford, just a short bicycle ride for Ted Mott to capture another charming scene. (He lived in Great Shelford).
Such pumps were a meeting place for the village community. Three of the children have hoops - two are former bicycle tyres and one is made of iron. The hoops, like the village pumps, are
thing of the past." The Villages of Old Cambridgeshire - a portrait in photographs and old picture postcards by Michael Rouse/ Cambridgeshire Collection.
A Public Pump in a tall wooden casing formerly stood in the road at the junction of Bar Lane and Bury Road. Before mains water came to the village in 1936, some residents depended on it for their supply, though many properties had their own wells. In 1948 it was reported to be out of order and the Parish Council asked for it to be dismantled. It had long been a landmark, and continued to give a name to the local bus stop.

The butcher's shop in Bar Lane, Stapleford 1959 (Stapleford Collection)

Alick Smith's shop, Bar Lane Stapleford 1932

The Tree pub, Bar Lane, Stapleford around 1950 (Stapleford Collection)

The former Tree pub in Bar Lane, Stapleford

Stapleford School, Bar Lane, Stapleford

Stapleford School, Bar Lane, Stapleford

Stapleford Community Primary School, Bar Lane, Stapleford

Bar Lane, Stapleford

Bar Lane, Stapleford showing the old forge and Mr Lister's butchers shop.
See other old photos & postcards of Stapleford Cambridge including;