Stapleford community groups and venues
Stapleford Community Warden Juliet Hawksworth profile
I would like to introduce myself to you all. My name is Juliet Hawksworth,
and I am the Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough community
warden for in Stapleford.
I work 2 to 3 hours a day to make up a 12-hour week so a typical day
would be quite a short article. Instead, I would like to tell you about
a typical week.
A typical week would involve a mixture of phone calls and visits,
supporting people with small jobs in and around their home or
community and networking within the village or with other support groups.
It all starts with a phone call. Some of the people on the scheme receive
a daily phone call, some have just one or two calls per week.
The calls can serve a number of purposes. For example, it may be that someone enjoys a chat everyday as they may be living alone and not able to access as much of the community as they once did. My call may be the only conversation someone has all day. For others, the call represents a ‘check in’. It’s a way to ensure that all is well, and the individual is up and about. This is often a huge reassurance for the families of those on the scheme. Family members may live far from their loved ones and so can feel confident that there is someone close at hand to offer support if needed.
My day will then start to take shape as I plan any visits, shopping requests, prescriptions, activities etc.
As I live in the village, I try to make my visits on bike or on foot as much as possible. This goes someway to balance out the number of biscuits I may be offered and have no power to refuse. Visits can involve a cup of tea and chat, preparing a light lunch, or support with small jobs around the home. I have helped to sew on buttons and find misplaced items for a lady with visual impairment, water house plants and read out articles from the newspaper. These are just little jobs which I am more than happy to do as I appreciate how frustrating those ‘little things’ can be.
My visits also enable me to observe the person and their home, to be an active listener and offer support if needed. I may notice that the person seems unwell or upset for example or that they are starting to need some practical support in their house. They might need our AgeUK Handyman service as they are starting to have difficulty on the steps into the garden and need a grab rail, or I may offer a referral to our Homes Team to organise a shopper or cleaner or IT support.
There may also be information and advice about benefits or health care to pass on or support to fill in forms or make phone calls. The visits are also an excellent opportunity to pass on details of up-and-coming local events and activities.
Networking and promoting the scheme is also factored into my week. I make sure I distribute leaflets into shops and cafes and pin them up on the notice boards. Wardens are always looking for ways to let people know that we are here and what we can do. I have dropped leaflets into GP surgeries so that the Social Prescribers are made aware of the scheme and can make recommendations to their patients.
Recently, I have been part of the Community Warden Steering Group at Community events, helping on the bric a brac stall at Stapleford Village Fete and Shelford Feast. This has been a fun way to meet people talk about the scheme and promote myself!
I really enjoy my job. I have been Warden in Stapleford for 4 months now. I have very supportive co workers and I know that answers to questions are just a call away.
There are some great people on the Stapleford scheme who are a joy to spend time with. We are starting to attract more enquiries now that people in the village know me and my role.
One of my favourite parts of the week is the coffee morning in Stapleford. It is a wonderful example of people coming together and supporting each other emotionally and practically. It is an opportunity for me to listen in and to encourage discussion to find out what sort of support older people in the community need to live dignified, healthy, independent lives. It would be great to think I was able to remove all barriers and enable everyone to participate in community life but it’s just not possible, even for someone regularly fortified with tea and biscuits. By working for AgeUK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, however, I do feel like I’m part of a larger organisation and community working towards this goal.

Stapleford community groups and venues
Stapleford Cambridge clubs & groups
Allotments admin Henry Atkinson, Carter Jonas 01223 55803
Big Band Neil Dunlop 01223 841169
Bird Club Mike Foley 01223 561217
Bridge Club Peter Bramworth 01223 843666
Brownies, Guides, Rainbows & Rangers Lisa MacGregor 07523 668731
Cambridge Teenyoga Carolina George
Cam Sight Julie/ Alison 01223-420033 Meets 2-4pm, 1st Thursday of month at Cox's Close Community Room. Information, equipment and support for visually-impaired people.
Children's capoeira club Susannah Salter 07715962148
Children’s Gym Club Caroline Sanders 01223 830668
Children’s Music Club Lucy Carrick
Choral Society Emma Dunn 01223 514042
Community Warden Scheme 07436102733
Craft club
Drama club Kay Coe 01223 842271
Guides 1st Stapleford Jane Kynaston 01223 842314
Handbell Ringers Jill Butler 01223 844133
History Society John Street 01223 842627
Stapleford History Society website
Horticultural Society John Sherwell 01223 841012
Johnson Bridge Club Les Goddard 01223 846888
Dennis Beaumont 01223 833653
Little Quavers Jacqui Cairnduff 01223 842912
Magog Singers Helen Bush 01223 561117
Magog Trust 07774 084595 The Magog Trust
Oasiss Ukraine support group or
Shelford and Stapleford Youth Initiative Chris Cooper 01223 842127
Stapleford Messenger Jon West 01223 521009
Mothers' Union Hilary Street 01223 840548
Out of School Club Rebecca Trigg 07825 148726
P.T.A. Annie Laing 01223 846249
Royal British Legion Mark Chennels 01223 891817
Shelford and Stapleford Scout group
(Beavers, Cubs and Scouts)
Stapleford Choral Society Rehearse Mondays at the Granary, Bury Road, 7.45pm.
Stapleford Strollers Keith Dixon 843847
Stapleford Youth Club Chris Cooper 01223 842127
St. Andrew’s Church Parent & Toddler Lyn Pepperell 01223 843547
St. Andrew’s Mens' Group Chris Everitt 01223 248802
Stapleford Choral Society Emma Dunn 01223 514042
Stapleford Jazz Collective Webpage
Stapleford Strollers Keith Dixon 01223 Strollers website.
Twinning Association Tim Jessop
Women’s Institute Susan Clark 01223 513533
Village Show Julie Rayment 01223 846629
Stapleford Cambridge venues
Jubilee Pavilion Belinda Irons
Johnson Memorial Hall Sheila Tilbury-Davis 01223 8443841
School Community Room School reception 01223 508720
Cox’s Close Community Lounge 01223 846980
Great Shelford venues
Great Shelford Memorial Hall Sheila Tilbury-Davis 01223 844384
Great Shelford sports pavilion 01223 61 66 22
Stapleford Cambridge sports groups
Body Rock pilates Sophie Rigge 07505 493050 Webpage
Stapleford Cricket Club Jon West 01223
Movement Space pilates Elaine Westwick
Shelford & Stapleford Strikers Football John Swinton 01223 510680
Stapleford Run Rosie Brown 07718 232059
Samantha Salisbury 07908 644962
Stapleford Shotokan Karate Club David Griffiths
Stapleford Tennis Club Sarah Barnett 842161
Erica Dawe (Sec) 521896
Table tennis Rob Powell 840906
Stapleford campaign groups
2G3S Helen Hale
Countryside Access Group Lynda Warth
Stapleford Cambridge schools & education
Stapleford Primary School 508720
Out of school club 08459927952/930525 or 079529 30525
U3A Sawston 871257 Derek Culpit
Recycling in Stapleford
Refuse Collection
South Cambridgeshire District Council
Refuse collection from black wheeled bins on alternate Tuesday mornings.
Kerbside Recycling
Blue and green bins are collected on alternate Tuesdays.
Glass Bottles
There are bottle banks in the car park of The Rose public house on London Road.
Milk-bottle Tops, together with ring-pulls from cans and any other aluminium are welcomed by Jill Butler at 1A, Mingle Lane, Great Shelford (in aid of the Magog Trust).
Used postage stamps of all countries are welcome at Stapleford Church (in aid of the Church of England Children Society).
All kinds of textiles (except rugs and carpets)
There is a collecting bin in the car park behind the shops in Woollards Lane, Great Shelford.
Household Waste Recycling Centre for household and garden refuse off the A505 on the road leading to Thriplow.
St Andrew's Church
St Andrew’s Church website
8.00 a.m.
Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion
9.45 a.m.
First Sunday of the month: All Age Communion
Third Sunday of the month: Parish Communion in church and Messy Church in the Johnson Hall
All other Sundays: Parish Communion in church, with Junior Church in the Johnson Hall in term time
5.30 or 6.30 p.m.
First Sunday of the month: Book of Common Prayer Evensong
Various other evening services – please check the church website
First Wednesday of the month: 9.45am Communion at Cox's Close Community Centre
Parish Priest:
Simon Taylor
Tel: 01223 840256
Clare Coates
Tel: 07818 618795
Mary Cooper
Tel: 01223 842127
Alastair MacGregor
Tel: 01223 843021
Director of Music
John Bryden
Tel: 07803 706847
Children’s Ministry
Sue Brown
Tel: 01954 264246
Youth Worker
Zac Britton
Tel: 07599 024210
Parish Safeguarding Officer
Lisa MacGregor
Tel: 07523 668731
Gillian Sanders
Tel: 07752 373176
Friends of St Andrew’s Church
Tony Hore
Tel: 01223 843796
Fergus Read
Tel: 01223 842585
Stapleford Cambridge charities
Royal British Legion: The Shelfords & Stapleford Branch
Provides support for ex-servicemen and women and their families.
Hon. Secretary: Mrs. Gillian Farrar, 37 Hawthorne Road, Stapleford Tel: 840947
Poppy Appeal: Local hon. organiser: Mrs. Gay Dean, 42 Bury Road, Stapleford Tel: 844010.
Stapleford war memorial roll of honour
Stapleford Village Hall Fund
In 1908 Dr. Collier built a Village Hall and Reading Room on his land next to the school in Bar Lane. This building became known as the Village Institute. When a local branch of the W.I. was formed in 1920 it was administered by a joint committee of the men and women who used the Institute. In 1921 money was raised locally to extend the building. In December 1922 William Collier gave the building to Trustees, who in 1965 sold it to the County Council. It was then used as a centre for the promotion of excellence in mathematics teaching. The building became unsafe and was finally demolished at the end of 1992. The site is now a memorial garden to a former headteacher, Harold Holt. The proceeds of the sale to the County Council, £3000, were invested and the interest is held for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the parish. Annual income: about £600. Grants are made to village organisations, rather than to individuals.
Correspondent: Mr. Colin White, 15 Hawthorne Road, Stapleford Tel. 01223 525948
Stapleford Feoffee Charity
This Charity has existed since before 1619 and was formerly known as the Church, Poor and Task Lands. William Lee, Vicar of Stapleford, who died in 1617, gave his house and land, half for the church and half for “the godly, honest and diligent poor, but not idlers, drunkards and hedge breakers”.
In 1885 its assets consisted of two cottages, 12/14 Church Street and 15.5 acres of agricultural land off Haverhill Road, allotted to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor by the Inclosure Award of 1814. Due to poor return on investment, the cottages were sold in 1985 and the proceeds invested. The income of the Charity derives from these investments and rent from the agricultural tenancy.
In 1986 the scheme was revised to bring it more up to date and in line with present day needs. In 2004 the Charity of Lettice Martin, Stapleford War Memorial Convalescent Fund Charity and the Clerk’s Piece Charity were combined with the Feoffee Charity.
The Charity is administered by nine Trustees:
three ex-officio: the Vicar and Churchwardens
two nominated by Stapleford Parish Council each serving for four years
four co-opted by the Feoffees each serving for five years.
Gillian Pett is Chair of Trustees. All trustees are eligible for re-appointment.
The Trustees meet from time to time to distribute the income and to confirm any disbursements made in emergencies.
After expenses of management have been defrayed, the income of Charity is distributed as follows:
2/5ths to persons resident in the Parish of Stapleford who are in need, hardship or distress by making grants of money or paying for items, services or facilities calculated to reduce these conditions.
3/5ths to the Parochial Church Council for the maintenance of the Church and services therein and for furthering the religious and charitable work of the Parish.
In recent years, assistance has been given to individuals to meet such things as:
help for those undertaking further education
the cost of nursery or playgroup places
school trips, books etc and
aids for the disabled.
assistance with trips for undertaking voluntary work
helpline telephones for the housebound.
Donations are made at Christmas time to a number of local people. The terms of the scheme have the following clauses which determine how Trustees can administer the 2/5th income allocation.
The Trustees are not permitted to apply any part of the funds in relief of rates, taxes or other public funds but may apply income in supplementing relief or assistance provided out of public funds.
The Trustees shall not commit themselves to repeat or renew the relief granted to any one cause or person.
The Trustees may pay for such items, services or facilities by way of donations or subscriptions to institutions or organizations which provide or undertake in return to provide such items.
In exceptional cases the Trustees, may grant relief to persons who are resident immediately outside the Parish but, in the opinion of the Trustees and with sufficient reason, ought to be regarded as resident.
Applications for a grant from the Charity should be made to Simon Taylor on or 01223 840256.
Collier Recreation Ground Charity
The Collier Recreation Ground, which has always had an area of 2420 square yards (2023 square metres), was re-sited in 1958 and again in 1973 to permit expansion of the Community School site. It now lies between the Chestnuts and the end of Vine Close. An inscription on a plaque in the old Institute referred to this gift as follows:
"The playground behind this Institute was given for the use of the children of Stapleford by Dr. W Collier of Oxford in March 1930 in memory of his son Lieutenant Martin Huntly Collier, RN, captain of submarine H10 who, with officers and crew, was killed in the Great War 1918."
Public stone, chalk, gravel and clay pit.
Two pits were set out for public use by the inclosure award of 1814, but one of them, lying on what is now Bury Farm, was lost more than a hundred years ago. The other, approached by a track from Haverhill Road, is now a registered charity, administered by the Parish Council. The correspondent is the Clerk to the Parish Council.
Lettice Martin charity
The charity was created in 1562 by Lettice Martin, a widow, of Chrishall, Essex, for the benefit of the poor inhabitants of Chrishall and various other parishes in Essex, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire, including Stapleford. The income comes from a house and land in Chrishall and Heydon. Annual income: £1.
The Correspondent is the the Vicar of Stapleford.
The Clerk’s Piece
The charity used to provide a house for the Parish Clerk, who served the Vestry in governing the parish before a Parish Council was formed. Annual income is less than £10.
The Correspondent is the Vicar of Stapleford.
Stapleford War Memorial Convalescent Fund
£85 was collected for the convalescent treatment of sick and poor villagers. Annual income is less than £2.
The Correspondent is the Vicar of Stapleford.
Association for Cultural Exchange (ACE)
A non-profit educational trust, founded in 1958 by the late Philip Barnes. The Arts Centre called Stapleford Granary at Bury Farm, Stapleford CB22 5BP. Visit the ACE Foundation website www.
Cambridge Woodwind Makers Trust
The Cambridge Woodwind Makers are a charity based in Stapleford, who have created a workshop to preserve and promote the art and artisanship of Woodwind Instrument Making.
The facilities provided by the Cambridge Woodwind Makers offer professionals and novices a chance to learn more about how to make and repair instruments, it also offers the general public an opportunity to observe and appreciate the skills used.
Green spaces
Stapleford Recreation Ground
The recreation ground, which includes the Jubillee Pavilion, is located on Haverhill Road.
Parish Pit
A consultation of Stapleford residents in Spring 2021 found overwhelming support amongst respondents to Stapleford Parish Council’s proposals to transfer ownership of Stapleford Parish Pit to Magog Trust.
The Parish Pit is a miniature nature reserve. It was formed by the extraction of ‘clunch’ used, in the past, as a building material in local houses and even the Cambridge Colleges.
The pit is a site of significance in the wider landscape as it is one of many former chalk quarries in villages across the county, that are now a network of chalk grassland fragments. Closer to home are the Cherry Hinton Chalk Pits nature reserve, Roman Road SSSI, Magog Down, Wandlebury Country Park and Fleam Dyke SSSI. Together these grassland sites form a series of stepping stones to enable species to move freely across the landscape. As climate change has an effect on our wildlife, these pathways are becoming ever more important to maintaining robust wild populations.
Around 70 wildflower species have been recorded since 2015 which falls short of previous totals, records starting in 1992.
To gain the status of “rich flora of chalk grassland” requires the site to have ‘frequent numbers of six or more strong calcareous grassland indicator species.’ The pit has four strong calcareous indicator species, Common Milkwort (Polygala vulgaris), Common Restharrow (Knautia arvensis), Field Scabious (Ononis repens) and Wild Basil (Clinopodium vulgare) and a number of others that are present but not in high enough frequency.
The Magog Trust
The Magog Down is an area for restoration, conservation and informal recreation on the Gog Magog Hills just south of the boundary of the City of Cambridge, off the A1307 road to Linton and on Haverhill Road, Stapleford.
Magog Down is privately owned and managed by the Magog Trust who bought it in 1989. It covers 163.5 acres of previously intensively farmed arable land. It is freely open to all, all year round. The Magog Trust
Wandlebury Country Park
Wandlebury Country Park offers more than eight miles of wonderful walks through mature woods, meadows and chalk grassland areas. There is always something to do at Wandlebury. Stroll round the park at a leisurely pace, taking in the circular historic Iron Age Hillfort – a Scheduled Ancient Monument steeped in myth and legend.
Pop along for a picnic and wonder at the beauty of the place with its diverse flora and fauna and its noble highland cattle. Take part in events and activities aimed at people of all ages. Visit Wandlebury and you’ll understand why the site was given a prestigious Green Flag Award – recognising it as one of the best green spaces to visit in the country.
Wandlebury, an ancient monument, is an Iron-Age hill fort, originally built with a steep-sided ditch in the third century B.C. and rebuilt with a double bank in the first century A.D. Evidence was found in excavations in 1995-6 of settlement in the area even before the fort was first built. The earthworks were extensively landscaped as an ornamental feature in the 18th Century by Lord Godolphin, as they lay in the park surrounding the house and stables which he began to build in 1729. The family inherited the Dukedom of Leeds in 1859.
In 1895 they sold the Wandlebury estate and it was eventually it was purchased in 1904 by Harold William Stannus Gray. Sir Harold died in 1951 and his wife two years later. Their son, Terence, presented the hill fort to the Cambridge Preservation Society in 1954. The Society at the same time bought the surrounding 38.67 hectares.
The estate and Wandlebury Ring have since then been owned and managed by the Cambridge Preservation Society and are freely open to the public all year. The 18th century house was demolished in 1955, but the ditch and ramparts of the Iron-Age earth works are still clearly defined. Under the archway of the old stable block is buried the Godolphin Arabian which died at the age of 29 in 1753. It was one of three stallions from which most modern thoroughbreds are descended.
Other pages on the Stapleford Online community website