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Stapleford Parish Council news

Stapleford Parish Council plans to increase spending from April by £20,000.

The Parish Council's current budget is £95,000. The new budget from April is £115,000.

This equates to a 21% increase in the Parish Council's share of the council tax bills.

The Council has blamed increased costs, salary costs for the Parish Clerk and Assistant Clerk with their increase in hours and planned work on the Pavilion. The Parish Council said that the increase was "not excessive."

The statement from the Stapleford Parish Council Clerk said:


"​Included in the precept is the repayment cost of a potential public works loan to replace the roof on the pavilion.


"The grounds maintenance contract costs have increased as we have a new contractor who will ensure that the works required in the parish are completed to the standard required by the Parish Council and the community.


"The Assistant Clerk role has been returned to its previous level which includes required statutory safety inspections, and financial accounting support to the Clerk. The previous Assistant Clerk only dealt with the cemetery and the previous Clerk did not have sufficient hours to take over inspections.

"The cemetery needs an increased level of maintenance to ensure it is safe for all visitors including laying down unsafe memorials and filling holes.


"The Parish has indicated that it appreciates the Parish Council's investment in Christmas lights. The current precept includes an additional 'tree wrap' and a Christmas Tree outside the Spar Shop in December 2025.


"Costs generally have increased and the Parish Council has to balance costs against legislative duties against community expectations. The Parish Council needs more Councillors to support it in its work on behalf of the community. If there are not enough Councillors, the Parish Council has to pay contractors to do work which Councillors would ordinarily do free of charge."


Posted Jan 28 2025

Stapleford Parish Council update on construction work and HGV movements

With Haverhill Road reopening just before Christmas, all Rangeford and UKPN construction traffic should now approach the two sites from the A1307 instead of coming through the village.

Stapleford Parish Council (SPC) has regular meetings with the contractors of both the Rangeford and UKPN projects and is trying to ensure that this and other things, such as excessive noise, do not happen.

The Parish Council is aware of the reports of unsociable working on site and the numerous problems occurring as a result of HGV movements. The problem with removal of hedging at the Rangeford site is also under discussion following residents’ concerns.

SPC accepts that Rangeford is keen to minimise disruption. For example, it now has a person on duty at the site entrance, turning away any vehicle which approaches the site from the village.

SPC is still following up incidents where photographic evidence is vital to clarify responsibility between the two major sites in operation and the presence of other rogue HGVs.

There is extensive damage occurring to road surfaces and verges impacting road safety and we want to see repairs happening and effective street cleaning.

The next big issue is the closure of Hinton Way in February/March/April/May (see*). This will inevitably increase the level of traffic and safety concerns on Haverhill Road and Bury Road and again we need to see safety measures put in place, such as a speed restriction. The closure is in both directions near Orchard Road for work by Cadent. There will be access to roads and properties either side of the closure but no through route.

This will also inevitably delay further roadworks planned by both Rangeford and UKPN. Their cooperation will reduce to some extent the disruption: whilst UKPN needs to close the road again for a limited period, Rangeford’s road widening and installation of a footpath will require temporary traffic lights.

The UKPN compound will close on 24th September 2024 and the land will be reinstated to farm land.

The Parish Council will be applying for a permanent extension to the 30mph speed limit on Haverhill Road

Please direct comments requiring a response to Stapleford Parish Council's Clerk at We require preferably photographic evidence of any damage or potential danger being caused, plus clarification of what/when/by whom.

Posted Jan 22 2024

Stapleford Parish Council

Stapleford Parish Council has decided not to merge with Great Shelford Parish Council.

Any changes could have seen council tax bills increase in Stapleford.

The local share of the council tax bills would have needed to be the same in both Stapleford and Great Shelford.

At the moment, a band D precept is £153 in Great Shelford and £96 in Stapleford. A merger would mean an increase of £57 in Stapleford Council Tax bills for the year, £1.01 a week.

Stapleford should have 11 Parish Councillors. At the moment, they only have five.

Any formal changes could take at least six months. Stapleford residents would have been be consulted about any proposed changes.

Stapleford Parish Council decided at their meeting in July to fully support a joint working partnership with Great Shelford Council on issues which affect both communities.

Updated Dec 5 2023

Stapleford Parish Council usually meets in the Jubilee Pavilion at 7pm on the first Thursday of each month, except August unless there is very urgent business.

Members of the public are welcome to attend meetings and time is set aside to call off the meeting for residents to bring matters of public concern to the attention of the Council. However, when the Council is in session members of the public cannot take part in discussions.

The Parish Council website can be found here.

All contact with the Parish Council should be through the Parish Clerk Belinda Irons. E-mail - staplefordparishclerk@gmail.comM: 07840 668048

ASSISTANT CLERK: 07545 847976

Parish councillor                                            Email address

Gillian Pett (Chair)                                

Barbara Kettel                                      

Howard Kettel                                      

Anna Disley-Stevens                          

Miranda Harper

Belinda Irons (Clerk)                           


County Councillors


Maria King

07764 609061


Brian Milnes

07971 886 113


District Councillors

Peter Fane

01223 843861
07802 256861

27 London Road CB22 5DB


Cllr William Jackson-Wood



Member of Parliament for Stapleford

Pippa Heylings


House of Commons

Westminster, London


Nearby Parish Council links and contact details


Great Shelford Parish Council

Clerk/Proper Officer 

Libby White

T: 01223 61 66 22

c/o 3 Sheepwash Way, Longstanton, CB24 3GZ

Little Shelford Parish Council

Penny Tanna

07921 139406                                               

Hauxton Parish Council

John Hammond

Harston Parish Council

Diane Bayliss

Whittlesford Parish Council

Marian Swann

07815 550308


An A to Z guide to who does what in and around Stapleford


Abandoned cars

South Cambridgeshire District Council


Stapleford Parish Parish Council

Bin collection

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Births and deaths

Cambridgeshire County Council

Building regulations

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Bus passes

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Council tax collection

South Cambridgeshire District Council


South Cambridgeshire District Council

Electoral register

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Emergency planning

Cambridgeshire County Council

Fly tipping

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Food safety

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Grants for home improvements

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Guided Bus

Cambridgeshire County Council/ Greater Cambridge Partnership

Housing/ Providing council housing

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Housing benefit

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Leisure centres

South Cambridgeshire District Council



Cambridgeshire County Council



Stapleford Parish Council

Noise complaints

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Park and ride

Cambridgeshire County Council


South Cambridgeshire District Council


Cambridgeshire County Council

Pest control

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Planning applications

South Cambridgeshire District Council (although the parish council is consulted on every application in the village)


South Cambridgeshire District Council

Roads and traffic

Cambridgeshire County Council

Rubbish Collection

South Cambridgeshire District Council


Cambridgeshire County Council

Social Services

Cambridgeshire County Council

Street Lighting

South Cambridgeshire District Council 

Sweeping the streets

South Cambridgeshire District Council

Trading Standards

Cambridgeshire County Council


South Cambridgeshire District Council

Waste and recycling sites

Cambridgeshire County Council

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